zaterdag 28 september 2013

Mister green guy

I screamed a little when I saw this pattern. The cute face, the floppy ears, but mostly THE FEET. I'm not even going to start talking about how cute it is so here's the pictures.

zondag 22 september 2013


So much make up lately! I was talking to some people yesterday about what kinds of make up we wore when we were younger and my standard look was something like this. Then for some reason I lost the confidence for it but I was pretty inspired from talking to them.

I used the Sugarpill Burning Heart palette.

I'm working on a bunch of crafty things right now so I hope I can show those soon.

donderdag 19 september 2013

Ultra fall

I just bought a new Sleek palette, Ultra Matte Dark. It has fantastic colours for fall.
I used a nude, reddish brown, dark purple, and teal colour.

zondag 8 september 2013

Holiday photos

I went on a trip to an island last week. 

One thing that really stood out was that it was crawling with bunnies. They were absolutely everywhere! So cute, hopping around with their white tails.

We wanted to fly kites all week, but only one day it was windy enough. 

On a really warm and sunny day we went on a boat trip to see seals. There were hundreds of them, just chilling on the beach. 

And a bonus, drying my jeans. They just looked so dramatic, I had to take a picture.

I'm going back to school tomorrow. I missed the very first week so I didn't meet any of the new people. I hope it won't be too weird when I come in tomorrow and they've met everyone but me.